Tajikistan is developing bilateral cooperation with the Alisher Navoi Theater of Uzbekistan

    Culture & Arts 5 January 2022 1564

    On January 4 of this year in Tashkent, a memorandum on bilateral cooperation was signed between the Tajik State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Aini and the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

    The memorandum on cultural cooperation will seal an agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation and will contribute to the effective development and strengthening of friendly ties between theaters.

    The signed document opens up wide opportunities for the touring activities of the collectives of both sides. In the future, theaters will be able to exchange soloists and performing groups, implement joint creative projects for the implementation of productions.

    Leading specialists of both theaters will be able to conduct master classes, participate in music competitions, festivals and many other events, the source reports, the press service of the theater reports.