Hokim of Tashkent region approved

    Uzbekistan 22 September 2022 5439

    Nurafshan city hosted an Extraordinary Session of Tashkent Regional Council of People’s Deputies. It was attended by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

    The Head of the state expressed deep respect for the people of the region and noted that they make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy.

    “You all understand that in the current troubled times, the task of ensuring the interests of our native country and the prosperous life of the people, implementing a sustainable foreign and domestic policy, is acute. To do this, you need to look for something new every day and take full advantage of all opportunities. Tashkent region has an ancient history, rich natural resources, and large-scale industry. I meet many people, who feel the changes, and they talk about them. But they also ask whether these efforts will be continued, whether life will be even better. Therefore, together with our people, it is necessary to solve problems in mahallas, support entrepreneurship, open new enterprises and workplaces”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    An organizational issue was considered at the session. The President recommended the candidacy of Zoyir Mirzayev for the post of Hokim of Tashkent region.

    1. Mirzayev was born in 1968 in Samarkand region. For many years he worked in the finance and economics sector. He headed Samarkand and Kashkadarya regions. As Deputy Prime Minister, he supervised the agro-industrial complex. Since November 2021, he has been acting as the Hokim of Tashkent region.

    Before discussing the candidacy, the Head of the state offered to hear his plans. Zoyir Mirzayev voiced his proposals for the development of entrepreneurship, industry, agriculture and tourism, infrastructure, and the creation of decent living conditions for the population of the region.

    The President approved these proposals and gave instructions to responsible persons to resolve organizational and financial issues.

    Thus, an additional 200 billion UZS will be allocated for family entrepreneurship programs this year, and another 850 billion UZS next year. The size of the loan guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund will be increased to 75 percent for Pskent, Buka, Bekabad and Akkurgan districts, where this sector is underdeveloped, and tax benefits will be provided until 2025.

    The industrial potential of Tashkent region is huge. The cities of Olmaliq, Chirchiq, Angren, Bekabad, Akhangaran and Yangiyul are becoming large industrial centers. It was noted that 250 billion UZS will be allocated for the development of infrastructure of industrial zones, and $30 million for leather, footwear and textile projects. Instructions were given to create a cluster of porcelain and ceramics in Angren, a border trade zone in Bekabad district.

    The region also has large land and water resources. However, their effectiveness is low. By properly organizing the work, it is possible to double the export of fruits and vegetables and employ 120,000 people.

    It was emphasized that for this purpose it is necessary to transfer 9 thousand of hectares of land to farms, develop mountainous areas, create nurseries of fruit trees and vines. It was noted that $50 million will be allocated for opening logistics centers in Tashkent, Parkent, Yangiyul and Qibray districts, and $30 million for the development of animal husbandry.

    There are 1,022 mahallas in Tashkent region. When studying their infrastructure, it was revealed that internal roads in 840 mahallas, drinking water supply and sewerage networks in 579 mahallas, electricity and gas supply networks in 589 mahallas, schools, kindergartens and clinics in 396 mahallas need to be repaired. The Head of the state noted the importance of these issues in ensuring the quality of life of the population and educating the younger generation and gave relevant instructions to responsible persons.

    Tourism is another potential source of economic growth in the region. But 80 percent of tourists visit Bostanlyk district. Conditions and services in other districts do not meet the requirements. The possibility of organizing tourism clusters in the mountainous districts of Parkent, Angren and Akhangaran was noted.

    Attention was also paid to the development of the social sphere, providing the population with housing. Tasks were set to open a university in Nurafshan, build a multidisciplinary medical center, and repair education institutions.

    It was noted that 100 billion UZS will be allocated to subsidize housing for the population, and the “New Uzbekistan” neighborhood will be built in Zangiota district. It was proposed to introduce a new mortgage program “My First Home”.

    Deputies of the Regional Council discussed the candidate’s plans and expressed their opinion. The issue of appointing the Hokim of Tashkent region was put to a vote. According to the voting results, Zoyir Mirzayev was approved as the Hokim of Tashkent region.

    The President emphasized that the new Hokim, to whom the representatives of the people expressed high confidence, should act fairly, honestly, selflessly and responsibly, diligently serve the residents of Tashkent region.