Scientists have called tea a drink that relieves diseases

    Healthcare 3 October 2023 1930

    The use of various types of tea helps to protect the body and get rid of many diseases. This was stated by American scientists.

    The benefits of the drink are explained by its composition - it contains a large amount of antioxidants and other useful substances. In this regard, all teas, regardless of the variety, help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and also have a positive effect on overall cardiovascular function, Mir24 writes.

    At the same time, each type of tea has its own special properties. So, black tea is useful for weight loss. In addition, the drink helps to improve memory and strengthen blood vessels.

    In turn, green tea has a beneficial effect on brain function due to the L-theanine contained in its composition. It also provides a steady burst of energy and enhances cognitive functions.

    Ginger, mint or chamomile tea improves gastrointestinal functions, relieves symptoms of stomach upset, nausea, and also relieves bloating and accelerates metabolism.