Uzbekistan - UN: priority areas of cooperation on sustainable development of the Aral Sea region

    International cooperation 7 September 2022 1437

    On September 5 of this year, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade between Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Badriddin Abidov and the UN Permanent Coordinator in Uzbekistan Roli Asthana.

    During the meeting, priority areas of cooperation with the United Nations on sustainable development of the Aral Sea region and support for the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Human Security for the Aral Sea region were discussed as part of the implementation of approved projects to improve living standards in the region.

    In particular, the parties considered the issue of holding the next meeting of the Steering Committee of the Trust Fund on the selection of targeted project proposals for financing and their subsequent implementation in the Aral Sea region.

    Further measures to ensure the implementation of the next cycle of the Trust Fund's activities for the period 2024-2030 with the development of a new strategy aimed at strengthening the role of the Trust Fund in coordinating the mobilization of financial resources of donor countries in the Aral Sea region were also discussed.

    Following the meeting, the parties confirmed their readiness to intensify cooperation on the implementation of the tasks set and to continue working together in all areas discussed to achieve concrete results aimed at improving the standard of living in the Aral Sea region, the press service of the MIVT reports.