In 2024, more than six thousand hectares of land will be put up for auction

    Social medium 20 May 2024 1205

    Resolution No. 268 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 05/07/2024 "On measures to effectively organize the processes of reducing State participation in the economy and implementing the privatization program" was adopted.

    The document approved a plan for the sale of land plots through an auction. At the same time, land plots for which urban planning documentation has not been developed are sold on the right of lease. In other cases, the land plots will be sold on the right of ownership.

    So, in 2024, it is planned to sell more than 6 thousand hectares of land in the republic, of which 225 hectares are in Tashkent.

    Also, more than 400 objects will be put up along highways of international importance to accommodate trade and service facilities, 16 of them in the Tashkent region, 10 in Tashkent.

    Also, over 1.3 thousand objects for placement will be auctioned in the regions:

    • modern complexes for the provision of services and services;
    • accommodation facilities;
    • housing complexes;
    • shopping and entertainment centers.

    A plan for the development of urban planning documentation (master plan) for 845 settlements by 2027 is also being approved. The general plan of Tashkent is planned to be developed by the end of 2024.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 05/15/2024, Norma reports.