A "round table" aimed at increasing the political activity of women in society was held in the Ministry of Innovation

    In focus 25 October 2022 1083

    A few days ago, a "round table" was held at the Ministry of Innovative Development. It was attended by members of the Senate Committee on Women and Gender Equality, senior officials of relevant ministries and departments, representatives of political parties dealing with women's issues, women deputies of local councils and representatives of the media.

    The event focused on explaining to the public the importance of international and national commitments, including women's participation in political processes, national legislation in the field of gender equality, which is reflected in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Beijing Platform for Action and the Sustainable Development Goals.

    It was noted that gender equality is one of the most important directions of state policy today. At the same time, gender equality is one of the main requirements and necessary conditions for guaranteeing human dignity, freedoms and interests, ensuring sustainable development on a global scale and at the country level.

    The creation of gender equality institutions and gender-sensitive institutions in Uzbekistan, the adoption of reliable legal acts in this direction is the result of reforms in this area.

    During the event, presentations were made by representatives of political parties on the priority directions of the implementation of the Gender Strategy, in particular, on the work done to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the exercise of electoral rights.

    In turn, representatives of political parties put forward proposals for conducting gender studies aimed at increasing the political activity of women in society, and systematic research and elimination of problems arising during the electoral process with the support of women candidates, regular study of the activities of women deputies working in representative bodies, the development of comprehensive measures for wide popularization positive experiences and their encouragement.

    Following the results of the round table, proposals and recommendations were adopted aimed at ensuring gender equality in political parties and supporting the activities of women in political parties, based on the tasks of ensuring full and effective participation of women in society and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels, the information service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.