Issues of trade and economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United States were discussed in Tashkent

    Business 12 June 2024 902

    On June 11 of this year, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting between the Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Laziz Kudratov and the Trade Representative of the United States of America, Ambassador Catherine Tai.

    The current state of trade and economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United States was discussed and further measures were planned to increase trade turnover, intensify the process of Uzbekistan's accession to the WTO and other topical issues on the agenda of bilateral cooperation.

    The American side noted the support of the efforts of the US Congress to activate and update the program of the Universal System of Preferences and recognized the role of GSP in supporting the diversification of exports from Uzbekistan. Ambassador Tai welcomed the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan.

    They expressed mutual willingness to cooperate on issues of harmonization of legislation in order to develop digital commerce.

    The American side expressed full support for Uzbekistan's firm commitment to WTO accession and expressed readiness to support reforms aimed at bringing Uzbekistan's trade regime in line with WTO rules and principles.

    Catherine Tai congratulated Uzbekistan on its exclusion from the Special 301 Watch List due to the steady improvement in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The parties expressed their readiness to continue close cooperation in this direction.

    It was emphasized that transparency and mutual consultations contribute to the development of more effective regulations, the prevention and reduction of non-tariff barriers, support compliance with international trade obligations, and are also necessary to increase the long-term sustainability of the economy and attract sustainable investments.