Meetings of Working Groups under the Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were held in Tashkent

    Investments 14 June 2024 1239

    On June 13, 2024, an introductory meeting of Working Groups on the development of the capital market and the creation of an International Financial and Technological Center, as well as on the development of the Law "On Alternative Investments" was held in Tashkent.

    The event was held within the framework of the Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and was organized by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade with the support of the EBRD, together with the Ministry of Digital Technologies and the IT Park.

    The meeting was attended by foreign investors, representatives of international financial organizations, heads of ministries and departments, representatives of business and relevant organizations of Uzbekistan, as well as international and local experts and the media.

    During the meeting, the priorities of the Strategic Plan for the creation of an International Financial and Technological Center with a focus on attracting technology companies for 2024 were discussed. The main attention was paid to the issues of developing and adopting a law on the functioning of the Center, creating conditions for the activities of investors, promoting the Center and improving the investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan at the global level.

    They also discussed the development of a legal environment for investors in terms of corporate governance and contractual regulation, as well as the modernization of the national financial market.

    According to experts, the successful completion of all tasks and the launch of the Center will ensure long-term sustainable investment growth, an increase in GDP by 1% annually and the attraction of portfolio investments worth 7-8 billion dollars by 2028. In addition, 15-20 thousand new highly qualified jobs are expected to be created within 10 years.

    During the meeting, the draft amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Joint Stock Companies and protection of investors' Rights", the concept of the law "On the International Financial and technological Center" were presented and discussed. A round table on the topic "Creating conditions for the development of alternative investment infrastructure: global practices and tools for adaptation in Uzbekistan" was also held, where experts on investment and capital markets, corporate governance and lawyers exchanged views and developed a number of constructive proposals.

    The constructive proposals developed during the meeting were accepted by the Working Groups for further work.