A forum of Uzbek scientists "The legacy of great ancestors - the basis of the III Renaissance" was held in Tashkent

    Culture & Arts 5 July 2024 1535

    From July 3 to 4, the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers, gathered the country's leading scientists at the forum "The Legacy of great ancestors - the basis of the III Renaissance".

    The purpose of the forum is to implement Presidential Decree No. PP-5186 dated July 16, 2021 on the development of the Center of Islamic Civilization. The forum is designed to support the research of the scientific heritage of the ancestors, who made a significant contribution to the world scientific and civilizational progress, as well as to promote the achievements of a new stage in the development of Uzbekistan.

    It was attended by representatives of key institutions: The Center for Islamic Civilization, the International Islamic Academy, the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, museums, libraries, partner organizations and the media.

    Over the course of two days, about 500 participants took part in more than 10 seminars and presentations demonstrating the tasks and plans of the Center.

    The scientists actively discussed each submitted project, expressing their suggestions and recommendations. All comments were systematized and submitted to the organizing committee.

    The second day of the forum began with a demonstration of a documentary about the Center of Islamic Civilization. Next, plenary sessions were held, where moderators discussed the results of seminars held in June in Tashkent.

    Following the results of the forum, the final document prepared by the organizing committee was adopted. The participants adopted an Appeal and a Declaration, which were sent to the President of Uzbekistan.