The Republican Intersectoral Industrial Cooperation Fair has started in Tashkent

    Industry 12 December 2023 1300

    Today, on December 12, the Republican Intersectoral Industrial Fair, organized by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Tashkent city Khokimiyat and the Center for Digital Transformation, began its work in Tashkent at the Uzexpomarkaz National Exhibition Center.

    The fair is aimed at expanding intersectoral industrial cooperation between the largest industrial organizations of the republic and local industrial enterprises.

    Within the framework of the fair, more than 6 thousand types of products from 4,600 enterprises, industry and budget organizations from 14 regions of the republic will be presented in four pavilions and open areas of the Uzexpomarkaz National Exhibition Center.

    On December 12-15, 17 industries will present their presentations on the possibilities of deepening localization and expanding production cooperation.

    At the same time, a number of agreements and memoranda are expected to be signed at meetings in the B2B and B2G formats.

    The Republican intersectoral industrial Fair will last until December 15 this year.