An Atomic Energy Agency will be established in Uzbekistan

    Energy 27 May 2024 1469

    The Presidential Decree "On measures to improve the system of public administration and control in the field of subsoil use, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, as well as the use of atomic energy" (UP No. 79 dated 05/24/2024) was adopted.

    According to the Decree, the following will be created:

    on the basis of the Inspection for the Control of Mining, Geological and Industrial Safety under the Ministry of Mining and Geology:

    · Committee for Industrial, Radiation and Nuclear Safety under the Cabinet of Ministers (Committee);

    · Inspection for the Control of the Mining Industry and Geology under the Ministry of Mining and Geology (Inspection);

    on the basis of the Agency for the Development of Nuclear Energy under the Ministry of Energy:

    · The Atomic Energy Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Agency).

    At the same time:

    · The Committee will be the authorized republican executive authority for the implementation and coordination of a unified state policy in the field of radiation and nuclear safety at nuclear power and nuclear technology facilities, as well as industrial safety at hazardous production facilities;

    · The Agency will be a republican executive authority implementing state policy in the field of the peaceful use of atomic energy;

    · The inspection will be a republican executive authority exercising state supervision and control in the field of subsoil use and protection.