The "Register of young compatriots" will be launched in Uzbekistan

    In focus 14 March 2022 1365

    A Government decree was adopted "On measures to create the necessary conditions for young professionals and young compatriots engaged in work in State bodies and organizations" (No. 101 of 07.03.2022).

    In accordance with the decree, since June 2022, in order to create conditions for working in ministries, departments and organizations of young people of Uzbekistan (young compatriots) studying abroad at prestigious universities, working in leading companies:

    young compatriots will be provided with official housing during their activities;

    young compatriots who have worked in government agencies and organizations for at least 2 years are provided with a subsidy to reimburse part of the initial payment and interest on a residential mortgage loan.

    Until June 1, 2022, the electronic system "Register of Young Compatriots" will be launched, which will be integrated into the platform on which scientists, experts and researchers-compatriots abroad will be openly registered.

    Until March 1 of each year, the Civil Service Development Agency makes reasonable proposals for the further appointment of qualified young specialists and young compatriots to senior positions in the system of state bodies and organizations.

    The Agency is studying proposals and making recommendations to the Administration of the President of Uzbekistan until April 1, the Ministry of Justice reports.