Uzbekistan has established a procedure for evaluating the performance of employees of the internal audit service

    In focus 17 December 2024 984

    The regulation "On the procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of employees of the Internal Audit Service of State bodies and organizations" was registered with the Ministry of Justice (registration number No. 3583, dated 12.12.2024).

    The Regulation defines the procedure for evaluating, encouraging and ranking the effectiveness of internal audit services of ministries and departments in which the internal audit service has been established, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, heads and employees of internal audit services of regions and khokimiyats of the city of Tashkent according to the most important indicators.

    The requirements of the regulation apply to evaluating the effectiveness of the head and employee of the internal audit services of state bodies and organizations in achieving the most important performance indicators assigned to employees, as well as in performing tasks and functions.

    The assessment of the activities of an employee of the internal audit service is carried out quarterly by the head of the internal audit service and is responsible for the reliability and impartiality of information related to the assessment.

    The most important indicators of employee performance are:

    · results on the prevention of violations of budget legislation;

    · the result of the implementation of remote control;

    · conducting internal audit activities for which the employee is responsible in the annual internal audit plan;

    Implementation of suggestions and recommendations given by the employee by the internal audit bodies.

    The effectiveness rating of the head and the employee of the internal audit service is formed based on the arrangement of the aggregate performance indicators of the employee in descending order.