Prices for licensed activities of crypto assets have been set in Uzbekistan

    Finance 19 December 2024 1444

    The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan has registered an order (No. 3584, 12/17/2024) "On determining the amount of the state fee for issuing a license for the activities of service providers in the field of turnover of crypto assets."

    The order defines the amount of the state fee for the issuance of a license for the activities of service providers in the field of turnover of crypto assets in the following amounts:

    · crypto exchange - 73.4 thousand. BRV (27.5 billion soums);

    · mining pool - 3 thousand. BRV (1.1 billion soums);

    · crypto-depository - 7 thousand. BRV (2.6 billion soums);

    · crypto store - 3,7 thousand. BRV (1.4 billion soums).

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 12/18/2024, Norma reports.