The system of legal protection of intellectual property objects is being improved in Uzbekistan

    Business 21 June 2024 889

    At the fifty-third plenary session of the Senate, the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with further improvement of the system of legal protection of intellectual property objects" was considered.

    As you know, in recent years, the country has been carrying out large-scale reforms in the field of reliable legal protection and protection of intellectual property in order to improve the mechanisms for implementing the results of intellectual activity in the economic sector, improve entrepreneurial activity and the business environment, increase the competitiveness of products from local manufacturers and ensure their sale with added value.

    At the same time, there is a need to ensure the inviolability of property created as a result of intellectual activity of individuals and legal entities, to form an attitude of intolerance towards offenses in society and to strengthen legal mechanisms in legislation that ensure the interest of citizens in protecting their rights. In addition, ensuring the protection of intellectual property by effective legal mechanisms creates the need for consistent continuation of the policy of improving legislation to prevent violations in this area.

    In order to improve civil law relations, this document introduces additions and amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing for the introduction of a procedure for payment by the violator at the request of the right holder of compensation, instead of compensation for damages, for the illegal use of intellectual property objects.

    Thus, instead of compensation for damages, the patent holder may require a person using an object of industrial property in violation of his exclusive right to pay compensation in the amount of twenty to one thousand basic calculation units. In this case, compensation is paid regardless of the fact of causing losses, based on the nature of the violation and the degree of guilt of the person using the object of industrial property in violation of the exclusive right of the patent holder, taking into account business practices. The amount of compensation is determined in accordance with the agreement of the parties or the court.

    It was noted that the Law serves to improve the system of protection of intellectual property rights of individuals and legal entities, improve the quality of crime prevention in this area, as well as reduce the number of offenses and strengthen the protection of intellectual property and form a system of effective mechanisms for the protection of creative rights in the digital environment.

    The law was approved by the senators.