A national drug control center has been established in Uzbekistan

    In focus 7 May 2024 1014

    The Decree of the President "On strategic measures to eliminate the negative impact on the health of the population and the gene pool of the nation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by suppressing their illegal trafficking in the Republic of Uzbekistan" (UP No. 73 dated 05/06/2024) was adopted.

    The National Strategy for Combating Drug Addiction and Drug Crime in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024-2028 (National Strategy) has been approved.

    The National Information and Analytical Center for Drug Control has been transformed into the National Center for Drug Control under the Presidential Administration (National Center).

    One of the main activities of the National Center is the systematic in-depth scientific, practical and information-analytical study, identification and forecasting of the main factors and trends of the drug-related situation in the republic by region.

    The National Center regularly monitors the implementation of national programs approved annually by the State Commission, submits submissions, proposals and recommendations to the relevant state bodies and organizations on the qualitative and timely implementation of the planned measures, the Ministry of Justice reports.