In Uzbekistan, changes have been made to the rules for conducting foreign exchange transactions

    Finance 22 December 2023 1915

    The Resolution of the Board of the Central Bank amended the Rules for conducting Foreign Exchange Transactions in the Republic of Uzbekistan (reg. No. 3281-3 dated 12/18/2023).

    Thus, it is clarified that domestic currency transactions, among other things, include transfers related to the purchase and sale of shares and bonds (with the exception of Central Bank bonds) by non-residents at organized securities auctions, including through stock brokers and investment intermediaries.

    The foreign currency purchased by the client, as well as previously debited from this account, but not used, as well as returned for other reasons, is credited to the special currency account.

    The rule is excluded, according to which a foreign currency previously debited from a special currency account and not used, as well as returned for other reasons, is subject to resale to a commercial bank or retransmission for the purposes specified in the application within 3 banking working days.

    At the same time, foreign currency funds purchased by the bank's client (including unused or returned ones) must be used within 7 banking business days from the date of crediting to the client's special currency account or no later than the next banking business day after the end of this period must be sold again to a commercial bank.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 12.21.2023, Norma reports.