An indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the Syrdarya riverbed is being introduced in Uzbekistan

    In focus 12 March 2024 1146

    By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No. UP 46 dated 03/11/2024), amendments and additions were made to the Decree "On measures to streamline the extraction of non-metallic materials in reservoirs".

    According to the Decree, from May 1, 2024, an indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the Syrdarya riverbed will be introduced, as well as liability for damage caused to nature as a result of illegal extraction of non-metallic materials.

    Measures will be implemented to strengthen the banks of the Syrdarya River, restore and rehabilitate damaged lands in coastal strips, the Ministry of Justice reports.