Consideration to youth is the support of the future

    Columnists 23 December 2022 1614

    The President of the country addressed the country's parliament, where he considered the key points of the country's development, ensuring security in the region, the effectiveness of the public administration system, progressing the social sphere, including improving the quality and accessibility of education and healthcare, apartment buildings, comfortable living for the population, etc.

    In addition, another important aspect of the letter was the announcement of 2023 in our country as "the year of Human Care and Quality Education"

    I have confidence this is the government's response to the titanic work done by masters during the pandemic. This indications the high status of educators in our society, the importance of their work for the harmonious development of children.

    I am hopeful of that the attention of the authorities will be focused to new, modern pedagogical initiatives, support for experienced mentors, raising the social rate of teachers and improving their welfare, increasing the importance and significance of not only the teaching profession, but pedagogy itself as a whole, as well as the development of material and technical equipment educational institutions not only in cities, but also in countryside areas of the republic.

    We are glad to see the application of the experience carried out in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region in providing free meals to primary school students and in other regions of the country, which in a certain sense will facilitate the socio-economic condition of socially vulnerable segments of the population.

    Also, the President did not take no notice of the issues of improving the infrastructure in the country, and besides noted changes in approaches to the work of ministries and departments, the number of which is planned to be reduced to 28 units. After all, the most important guarantee of the success of the state is the development of the welfare of citizens, on which the stable growth of incomes and the quality of life in general depend.

    In my summing up, it should be noted that today's message of the President is consecrated to the implementation of a new program of political reforms to put into practice next year. Priorities have been set, directions have been spotlighted, tasks have been identified... and for the qualitative and successful realization of the tasks set, it is necessary to focus on the transformation of the country and unite into a single nation. This is our spiritual duty for future generations.

    Bakhodirov Bakhrom,

    Scientific Personal

    of the Institute of Social and Spiritual

    Research under the

    Republican Spirituality and Enlightenment Center.