The Law "On Courts" was signed by the President

    In focus 30 July 2021 2038

    According to the law, the proceedings in all courts are open. Hearing of cases in a closed court session is allowed only in cases established by law.

    Individuals present in the courtroom, representatives of the mass media can take photographs, video and audio recordings in the courtroom in the manner prescribed by law.

    Legal proceedings in the Republic of Uzbekistan are conducted in the Uzbek, Karakalpak languages or in the language of the majority of the population of the area.

    In administering justice, everyone is guaranteed the right to professional legal assistance.

    No person can be detained except on the basis of a court decision.

    The Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan has the right to supervise the judicial activities of lower courts.

    A people's assessor may be a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan not younger than thirty-five years old, elected by an open vote at a meeting of citizens at the place of residence or work for a period of two and a half years.

    A judge is duly elected or appointed for an initial five-year term, another ten-year term, and then an indefinite term of office.

    The age limit for a judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan is seventy years, for judges of other courts - sixty-five years.

    A judge in need of housing is provided with office living quarters at the location of the court by local government authorities in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    The judge has the right to compensation for expenses related to rent, lease (sublease) of residential premises, prior to the provision of residential premises for permanent residence to him in accordance with the established procedure.

    For judges who have expired their term of office, the average monthly salary is retained during the period when the issue of their re-election or reappointment to a new term of office or provision of another job is decided, but not more than three months.

    After the end of their term of office, judges are provided with the previous job (position) held by them before being elected or appointed to the position of a judge, and in its absence - another equivalent job (position).