Ziroat Mirziyoyeva opened the First International Congress of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology in TashkentZiroat Mirziyoyeva opened the First International Congress of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology in Tashkent

    Healthcare 6 June 2024 975

    The First Lady of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Fund "Zamin" Ziroat Mirziyoyeva opened the First International Congress of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology on the topic "Evidence for action" in Tashkent.

    The event will last from June 5-7 and will bring together more than 300 international participants, including representatives of WHO, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, the European School of Oncology and top foreign university clinics and medical centers.

    The Congress is being held within the framework of state programs for reforming the health care system of Uzbekistan, in particular the strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", aimed at reducing early mortality from cancer by 2.5 times.

    Ziroat Mirziyoyeva emphasized the urgency of the tasks set in this area.

    "We have gathered here with the sole purpose of overcoming one of the most serious diseases that our children suffer from. Every child has the right to life. We must use all opportunities to ensure that children are healthy and lead a full life in the future," the First Lady of Uzbekistan noted in her big report. - When it comes to serious illnesses of children, including cancer, I, as a woman, as a mother, cannot but express the anxiety and pain penetrating to the depths of my soul. This disease does not recognize boundaries and limitations. Only by uniting, humanity will be able to overcome this disease."

    As the organizers noted to TASS, the congress is a confirmation of the commitment and readiness of the Government of Uzbekistan to fulfill its obligations to achieve a 60% survival rate in children with cancer by 2030 as part of the WHO Global Initiative to Combat Childhood Cancer. It is expected that one of the results of the event will be the release and dissemination of the collective declaration of the congress "Incentive to Action" to ensure effective treatment of pediatric oncological and hematological diseases.

    "Today's congress is not just an event, it is a call to action. This is a great opportunity to share experiences, opinions and achievements. This is a chance to combine all our knowledge and resources to give our children the right to a happy and healthy life. Our task is to strengthen global ties and make full use of all advanced methods and technologies," Z. Mirziyoyeva highlighted.

    Earlier, Uzbekistan entered the top ten selected target countries within the framework of the WHO Global Initiative against Childhood Cancer. The main objectives are to improve access to modern diagnostic methods, treatment and support of patients with oncological and hematological diseases, as well as to increase the effectiveness of therapy and the general well-being of children.

    In addition, Uzbekistan has been identified as one of the first countries to participate in the Global Platform for Providing Access to Drugs for the Treatment of Childhood Cancer. This platform is designed to provide constant access to high-quality medicines for children with cancer and provide them with comprehensive support in this direction. It is the first project of its kind by WHO and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (USA) and aims to provide children with safe, effective and high-quality anti-cancer drugs without financial constraints. The purchase of medicines will be carried out by UNICEF on the basis of the WHO terms of reference.

    The congress promotes the implementation of the state policy to support and develop child health in Uzbekistan and reflects the country's desire to organize high-quality medical care, improve the effectiveness of treatment through the use of the latest methods.

    The Congress is organized by the Ministry of Health and the Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology in cooperation with WHO, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology and the European School of Oncology.