The President of Uzbekistan launched the first investment projects in the Zaamin Technology Park

    Enterprises in demand by the economy are being created in all country regions. This helps create new jobs, develop industrial sectors, and improve people’s well-being.

    In particular, over the past five years, the processing industry’s volume in Jizzakh region has increased 1.6 times, reaching 19 trillion UZS last year alone. Export volumes increased 2.2 times and reached $202 million.

    Foreign investment is also growing every year. If, in 2018, the region received only $18 million in foreign investment, then last year, this figure reached almost $700 million. There are 260 enterprises with foreign capital in the region.

    Each district contributes to this success. In particular, in Zaamin district, within the framework of investment programs, about 300 projects worth 1.8 trillion UZS have been implemented over the past five years, and more than three thousand new jobs have been created. Thanks to a favorable business environment, the number of small business entities in the district has increased fourfold.

    Thanks to Zaamin’s beautiful nature, tourism is becoming the district’s driver. The Zaamin tourist zone was recently created to develop tourism services.

    Industrial development began in Zaamin, and it was not limited to this. The district is very favorable for this. It is located in the central part of the country. The railway passes through here. Zaamin Airport has recently been expanded and reconstructed.

    A special industrial zone, Technopark, is being created in the district with China’s Mingyuan.

    400 hectares of land have been allocated for this purpose. A target infrastructure program was approved, and 160 billion UZS were allocated.

    30 projects have already been formed. Chinese investors will invest $1.2 billion in them.

    Enterprises for producing goods with high added value and import-substituting products in demand in foreign markets will be created in the zone. In particular, projects will be implemented in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, building materials, the furniture industry, the food industry, and services.

    As a result, more than 5 thousand jobs will be created, industrial products worth 4.7 trillion UZS will be produced, and an export potential worth $70 million will be made.

    An International Center for the Exchange of Experience and Engineering will be created on the territory of the technology park, where qualified specialists will be trained for industrial enterprises.

    An office center, residential buildings, an eco-park, a large exhibition hall, and a shopping center will also be built here.

    At the ceremony, the Head of state pressed a symbolic button and launched the construction of the first investment projects in the technology park.

    He wished businesspeople success in implementing these modern projects.