On this day, all heads and employees of government organizations, as well as compatriots, are advised to abandon their personal car in favor of public transport, hiking, bicycles and other environmentally friendly means of transportation.
This is provided for by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 21, 2024 No. 37 "On the State Program for the implementation of the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" in the "Year of Youth and Entrepreneurship Support", which provides for a number of measures to protect the environment. In particular, taking into account the proposals of environmental activists and members of the public, it was decided to hold a "Day without a car" every month.
For information: harmful car emissions are a constant source of environmental pollution. Avoiding the use of personal transport helps to prevent harmful emissions, reduce traffic congestion and improve the environmental situation in cities.
Join the "Day without a car" campaign! Make a choice in favor of ecology, health and comfortable movement. Contribute to clean air and environmental well-being!