President chairs a meeting on the further development of the healthcare sector

    Uzbekistan 1 June 2022 4570

    On June 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting to discuss the implementation of the tasks set and plans in the healthcare sector.

    As previously reported, on March 18 this year, the Head of the state held an open dialogue with medical workers. Based on the problems and proposals discussed at the meeting, several tasks were set to introduce modern methods of treatment, further bring medical care closer to the population, and increase the wages of workers in the sphere.

    Since the beginning of the year, 85 family medical centers and polyclinics have been opened at places, which has improved the access of over 700,000 people to medical services. Additional types of high-tech operations have been introduced in the regions: 27 in surgery, 7 in endocrinology and 14 in cardiology.

    In recent months, more than 25,000 socially vulnerable citizens have been provided with medical assistance at the expense of the State Health Insurance Fund. 87,000 people underwent targeted medical examinations in Karakalpakstan, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Fergana regions. Since today, the monthly salary of medical workers has increased by 30 percent.

    Along with the ongoing work, the upcoming tasks were discussed at the meeting.

    “Based on the principle “in the name of human honor and dignity”, we have adopted many decrees and resolutions in recent years”, the Head of the state said. – We took measures to increase the salaries of medical workers, despite global problems. The system should work everywhere, including the most remote villages. It is necessary to take care of the health of every citizen.

    Responsible persons provided information on improving the management, material and technical conditions of the sphere, changing treatment protocols, expanding the health insurance system, and developing medical education.

    The main attention was paid to the primary link. Tasks have been set to open another 51 family medical centers and polyclinics by the end of this year, create medical centers in a thousand mahallas, and conduct targeted screening of the population. The progress of work to improve the quality of emergency medical care was considered.

    Instructions were given to increase the number of types of high-tech operations in regional hospitals to 250 with advanced training of their medical staff, and fully introduce a new system of preferential treatment.

    The digitalization issue in the sphere was also considered. Under the instructions given earlier, the relevant infrastructure of medical institutions is being updated. Hospitals in the regions are provided with computers and a local network. By international standards, a unified classifier, register and data exchange program are being developed.

    The importance of gradual digitalization and integration of all parts of healthcare, modern equipment of institutions, increasing the volume and expanding the range of paid services was emphasized at the meeting.

    On April 25, 2026, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a resolution “On strengthening the motherhood and childhood protection in 2022-2026”. According to the document, children’s intensive care units have been organized in 191 district and city central hospitals, and children’s units in 208 multidisciplinary polyclinics and 71 family polyclinics in the city of Tashkent.

    The Head of the state noted the need for opening similar departments in other districts, as well as developing the activities of centers for obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive health of the population and screening centers.

    Instructions were given regarding the transformation of the sanitary and epidemiological system, updating sanitary rules and standards, and preventing infectious diseases.

    Each Deputy Minister of Health was instructed to develop action plans in the areas under their supervision.