The delegation of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan participates in the observation of the early presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

    Elections 7 February 2024 3542

    At the invitation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the delegation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by Chairman Z. Nizamkhodjayev participates in the observation of the early presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Also, representatives of the CEC, deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis as international observers participate in Election Observation Missions from the CIS Executive Committee, the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States.

    On the eve of the elections and on the day of voting, observers from Uzbekistan visited polling stations located both in Baku itself and in the regions of the republic.

    Within the framework of the visit of the delegation of Uzbekistan, a meeting of the Chairman of the CEC Z. was held on February 7. Nizamkhodjayeva with Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan M. Panakhov.

    M. Panakhov informed the delegation of Uzbekistan about the main stages of the electoral process, the preparation process and the specifics of these elections. In turn, Z. Nizamkhodjaev thanked his colleague for the invitation to take part in the international observation and noted the high activity of voters, the good level of training of members of precinct election commissions.

    Also, during the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the current state of bilateral cooperation, prospects for further development and expansion of practical cooperation.

    During the meeting, Z. Nizamkhodjayev informed about the measures being taken in Uzbekistan to create a democratic electoral system that ensures and guarantees the right of citizens to participate in the management of state and society affairs.

    In particular, he focused on some innovations on the introduction of democratic standards into national electoral legislation and practice, provided for by the newly adopted Constitutional Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at further improving the procedure for holding elections and referendums."

    The Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan noted the positivity of reforms in the electoral sphere of Uzbekistan, and also gave a positive assessment to the constitutional referendum and early presidential elections held in 2023, which were monitored by the Azerbaijani delegation headed by him.

    The meeting was attended by a member of the CEC of Uzbekistan G. Rakhimova, director of the CEC Training Center H. Paluaniyazov.

    The delegation of observers from Uzbekistan continues to monitor the early presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The Central Election Commission.