The "Spirit of Samarkand" in the SCO: foreign sculptors gathered in the ancient city

    Culture & Arts 16 August 2022 1864

    On August 15, the official opening of the international sculpture symposium "Samarkand-2022" took place. It is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region and the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan.

    Sculptors from Uzbekistan, Iran, India, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan take part in the symposium. They will create their masterpieces for three weeks on the square in the Vatanparvar Park. Then these works of art will decorate the streets of Samarkand.

    The event was opened by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Aziz Abdukhakimov.

    "This sculpture symposium was organized on the initiative of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev," the Deputy Prime Minister said. - Its purpose is that representatives of the SCO member states during the summit, discussing geopolitical issues, could enjoy the special spirit of Samarkand embodied in the works of art of modern masters.

    In addition, thanks to this symposium, young sculptors are given the opportunity to observe the work of experienced foreign colleagues, improving their skills.

    I think that the works of art created during the symposium will remain in history and will be a reminder that such a historic event as the SCO summit took place in Samarkand."

    Aziz Abdukhakimov also thanked foreign sculptors for their visit to Samarkand.

    Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan Ibrahim Valihojayev noted the importance of the symposium and highly appreciated the work of domestic and foreign sculptors.

    Uljan Jaugasheva, a sculptor from Kazakhstan, also shared her impressions of the event.

    "The stones embody all the mystery, beauty and history of the universe. And we have to bring this beauty to the surface. I want to show people through my work at the symposium what a wonderful world we live in," she said.

    It should be recalled that foreign artists also visited Samarkand in preparation for the SCO summit and the international exhibition.