Effective maintenance of land registration and state cadastres discussed

    Uzbekistan 15 October 2020 5360

    On October 15, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on the effective organization of a new system for keeping state cadastres.

    It is no secret that over the past decades, systemic problems have accumulated in land allocation and the state cadastre in the country. Due to lack of discipline and control, thousands of hectares of land were misappropriated. Land administration caused dissatisfaction among both the population and entrepreneurs.
    In this regard, on September 7 this year, the President signed a decree “On measures to radically improve the system for land registration and state cadastres”. The document defines a set of tasks for reforming the industry based on best practices, introducing a new management system, ensuring the completeness and digitalization of land accounting.
    Based on the State Committee for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Agency for Cadastre was established under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The functions of keeping records of land and state cadastres were transferred to this agency, and the functions of ensuring and monitoring the effective use of land were transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture.
    The Cadastre Agency was formed under the Tax Committee, since the accuracy of determining the tax base depends on the completeness of accounting for land resources.
    For example, a recent study in Bostanlyk, Furkat, Kasan districts and the city of Urgench showed that more than 2,000 real estate objects were not registered in the cadastral and tax bases.
    A similar situation is observed in the registration of land plots. As a result of the inventory, 150 thousand hectares of additional agricultural land were identified in 66 districts, of which 28 thousand hectares of irrigated sown land were not taken into account. In general, in 113 districts, a lot of land resources remain unused due to the fact that they are not assigned to any category of land fund.
    It was noted that in order to organize the work based on the new system, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the accuracy and completeness of accounting.
    “Legislation in cadastral and land registration is outdated. The regulations are in a complex language. And this is the path to corruption. From now on, the entire system must change. The main goal is accurate keeping of land records, ensuring justice in this process”, the President said.

    The leadership of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions were instructed to prepare land cadastres for all agricultural districts and include them in the National Geographic Information System. From now on, decisions of hokims on the allocation of land will be considered invalid until they are included in the specified system.
    The task was set to unite the bases of the Cadastre Agency and tax authorities, thus to carry out accounting of the used lands and objects with determination of the tax base.
    It was emphasized that since 1987 the inventories of the forest fund have not been updated, which has significantly expanded over the past period. In this regard, the State Forestry Committee was instructed to carry out a full forest inventory.
    One of the problems of the system is that the cadastral value of 340 thousand objects has not yet been determined. Of these, 200 thousand objects are not taxed. In addition, over 1 million homes have no cadastral documentation.
    In this regard, the need was noted for forming full-fledged real estate cadastres, which is important for the tax base. With the increase in revenues to local budgets, the opportunities for solving social issues will also expand.
    The President instructed to study the validity of payments collected at all stages from construction to the preparation of a cadastral passport for the construction, as well as to reduce their size and simplify the procedure.
    The system of calculating the land tax also needs a radical revision. The tax rate for land located near regional centers and with good water supply, and for land with low fertility, is practically the same.
    Responsible persons were instructed to introduce a tax calculation system based on the real value of land using increasing and decreasing coefficients. For this, international experts will be involved, and the procedure for determining the market value of objects will be tested in four districts.
    Problems associated with the registration of rights to a land plot and unauthorized appropriation of land were also discussed in detail at the meeting.
    It was noted that this year alone, about 50 thousand cases of illegal takeover of 11.2 thousand hectares of land were revealed, on 3.2 thousand hectares of which housing was illegally built. Almost all of these areas are irrigated fertile agricultural land.
    It was noted that each district will be provided with drones to control agricultural land and monitor crops. In addition, an information system will be created that will allow, based on satellite observation, to quickly detect and eliminate cases of illegal construction at an early stage. The system will first be tested in some regions.
    Instructions were also given on clarifying and approving the administrative boundaries of all regions, districts and cities by the local councils by the end of this year. The task was set to assign names and addresses to nameless streets and unnumbered houses, of which there are more than 2 thousand and over 1 million, respectively.
    There are 21 types of state cadastres in Uzbekistan. Data in 9 cadastres are not completed even by 50 percent. As a result, in order to put the land up for auction, various agencies go to places and issue conclusions on each individual case, which takes about 2 months.
    In particular, only the cadastre of intercity roads is kept, the cadastre of internal roads is not approved in any region. It was instructed to fully document the inventory and include it in the National Geographic Information System.
    It was noted that for the effective implementation of reforms in the sphere, it is important to staff all divisions of the Cadastre Agency with qualified personnel, to train them on the content and procedure for the new system. An instruction was given to improve the material and technical support and working conditions in the local cadastre units.

    “In general, hokims and industry leaders should realize that the correct accounting of land, its proper management is one of the main factors of economic growth in the regions”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized. – Due to this, we will solve three important issues: effective use of land, ensuring the rights and inviolability of property of citizens and economic entities, as well as expanding the tax base, which will create additional reserves for budget revenues”.
    At the videoconference, responsible persons reported on the upcoming measures for the effective organization of land and cadastral registration.