It is established that an unreasonable debt was issued to the consumer

    It turned out that there is no debt for the consumed 228 cubic meters of drinking water.

    The drinking water supply company did not warn the consumer, and according to subsequent calculations, his household owed 6 million 500 thousand soums.

    The appeal on this occasion was received by the regional structure of the Agency for Consumer Protection of the Namangan region. During the study of the citizen's appeal, it was established that drinking water was supplied to the water supply network in a residential building through the LHSD water meter, state number 127662, and in June 2020, a comparative check of the water meter was scheduled.

    According to the relevant decision, at least 30 calendar days before the end of the limited period of use of the water meter, the ISKX organization had to send a warning letter to the consumer in the manner specified in the contract. However, the citizen was not warned, and after the appeal, in June 2022, when checking the computer equipment, it was found that it was working properly. As a result, it became known that there was no debt for the consumed 228 cubic meters of drinking water. Thus, the consumer's rights were restored, and recalculations showed that the debt in the amount of 6,500,000 soums is groundless.