The lyceum prepares worthy successors to the traditions of Jaloliddin Manguberdy

    On March 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Military Academic Lyceum named after Jaloliddin Manguberdy in Urgench city.

    The educational institution began its work in the 2023-2024 academic year. The modern building with 300 seats has all the conditions for training and education of young people. Here, they are taught exact sciences for two years.

    Classrooms are equipped with the most modern multimedia and communication equipment. The information and resource center of the lyceum has more than 7 thousand educational and artistic books and more than 11 thousand electronic publications. The center is connected to the network of higher education institutions in the region and to the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

    In addition, the lyceum has a museum of Jaloliddin Manguberdy, a gym and sports complex, a parade ground, a canteen, and a dormitory.

    Students can participate in more than ten subjects, information technology, creative clubs, and sports sections. They are provided with free clothing and four hot meals a day.

    The Head of state got acquainted with the educational institution and the educational process and talked with teachers and students. It was emphasized that the patriotism and courage of Jaloliddin Manguberdy serve as an example for the younger generation.

    “The fact that exact sciences are taught here is good. At the same time, in the educational process, it is necessary to pay special attention to patriotism education and the study of our values. The national spirit and sense of pride should be the strongest weapon of our youth”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    It was noted that high combat readiness and morale are essential support for the country’s defenders.

    The lyceum cooperates with Urgench State University and Chirchiq Higher Tank Command and Engineering School. Military-patriotic events and sports competitions are also held with the participation of students from secondary school No. 3 in Urgench. There are plans to expand this practice with other schools.

    Thereupon, the Head of state completed his visit to Khorezm region and returned to Tashkent.