What will be the National Strategy of "Aholi Salomatligi - 2030"?

    Healthcare 21 December 2023 1652

    The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan has developed a draft strategy "Aholi salomatligi - 2030", which is posted for public discussion on the SOVAZ portal.

    The project outlines priorities and new directions to be implemented by 2030 to improve the quality of medical services through the introduction of modern and effective management methods and financial mechanisms.

    In the plan of practical measures for 2024-2026, more than 270 measures have been developed to ensure the implementation of the stated objectives, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of the strategy, which should be achieved by 2030.

    By 2030, to improve the quality of medical services through the introduction of modern and effective management methods and financial mechanisms, it is envisaged:

    • a new national system of medical care that defines the sources of funding, forms and volumes of medical services provided by lower (primary), secondary (secondary) and higher (tertiary) health institutions;
    • determination of the volume of guaranteed medical services, expansion of types of paid medical services;
    • gradual introduction of mechanisms for providing financial independence to public medical institutions, conducting their financial activities based on a business plan;
    • the transfer of costs in inpatient medical institutions to the mechanisms of state medical insurance by per capita financing for "every treated case", etc.

    The project can be changed, supplemented or rejected, reports "Norma".