Issues of development of cultural and humanitarian ties between Uzbekistan and Belarus in the field of education and youth policy were discussed

    Education 8 February 2024 1040

    On February 7 of this year, a panel session on the theme "Development of cultural and humanitarian ties between Belarus and Uzbekistan in the field of education and youth policy" was held within the framework of the II Uzbek-Belarusian Interregional Forum.

    First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Komiljon Karimov made a report on cooperation between the two countries in the field of higher and vocational education, science and innovation.

    He noted that more than 190 interuniversity agreements and memoranda of cooperation with Belarus (more than 80% of these documents have been signed in the last 6 years. The Joint Uzbek-Belarusian Commission for Cooperation in the field of science and technology is successfully functioning. Since 2019, joint competitions of scientific projects of Uzbekistan and Belarus have been announced. 54 scientific projects worth 49.6 billion soums have been implemented with Belarus in the fields of technology, chemistry, agriculture and medicine. To date, 30 practical projects worth 36.2 billion soums are being implemented in cooperation with Belarusian scientists.

    – We propose to define the creation of advanced engineering schools on the basis of specialized universities of Uzbekistan in cooperation with Belarusian universities as one of the main directions of our further bilateral interuniversity cooperation, K. Karimov noted. – We believe that this reflects common interests in strengthening the scientific and technological potential of our countries.