Honorary Consul of Azerbaijan visits Tashkent Khokimiyat

    International cooperation 29 February 2024 1264

    On February 28, the acting Khokim of Tashkent, Shavkat Umurzakov, met with representatives of the Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan, headed by Honorary Consul Kyanan Jalilov.

    Welcoming the guests Sh. Umurzakov reported on the scale of the reforms being implemented in the capital thanks to the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The main goals are the formation of a sustainable economy, ensuring justice and the rule of law, creating a favorable investment environment, as well as ensuring security and stability in society. He said that in the near future it is planned to implement a number of tourism, infrastructure, housing and communal services, and production projects.

    Kyanan Jalilov, in turn, expressed gratitude for the meeting and informed about the interest of the Azerbaijani business community in participating in the implementation of major projects in Uzbekistan.

    At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue the dialogue with the business circles of both sides, with the aim of effective and mutually beneficial cooperation.