President supports young people’s aspirations in the profession

    Uzbekistan 21 April 2022 4187

    The Head of the state visited the Ishga Marhamat monocenter in Kasan district.

    About 20 professions in technology and service have been trained here. The educational and practical ones are equipped with the appropriate equipment, computers, dummies and other inventory.

    Most importantly, people of all ages can study here. Everyone can come here, including the temporarily unemployed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, residents are mastering professions such as electrician, plumber, welder, cook, pastry chef, hairdresser, and seamstress, which are in high demand in the labor market. Specialists from Germany, Turkey and Japan, who are implementing international training standards, have been involved. Foreign language courses are organized at the center.

    Unemployed citizens not only from Kasan, but also neighboring districts study at the center for 2 to 6 months.

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the conditions created at the center and talked with the youth studying at the center.

    “I am glad that you are not indifferent to your future and strive for professions. Why are we creating such centers? Previously, young people left for Tashkent or other cities to master a profession. Now, these conditions are coming to the youth. Our goal is to make sure that the population has professional skills. A professionally accomplished person will not remain idle, everyone will call him. Therefore, you need to use these opportunities and find your way”, the Head of the state said.