It is noted that at the 15th meeting of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee "Uzbekistan - European Union", the meeting participants discussed the prospects for the development of relations between the Oliy Majlis and the European Parliament.
The parties discussed issues of interaction in the context of the pandemic, discussed progress in implementing large-scale reforms and the investment climate in Uzbekistan. The sides paid special attention to strengthening economic ties, removing trade barriers, developing interregional interconnectedness, supporting renewable energy, providing financial and technical assistance, encouraging tourist and educational exchanges.
"The European Union is interested in building up trade and economic ties, intensifying cooperation in combating threats such as climate change, as well as expanding human contacts. Today's agenda reflects the scale of our cooperation, which needs to be strengthened. At the same time, it reflects the amount of work that we have to do," the article quotes the words of the Vice-President of the European Parliament Heidi Hautal.
Uzbekistan receives worthy recognition on international platforms in the field of conducting an open domestic and foreign policy, balanced parliamentary diplomacy, ensuring human rights and freedom of speech. "And this meeting in Brussels is proof of that," the German edition quotes the words of the co-chairman of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee "Uzbekistan - EU" Akmal Saidov.