The robot managed to solve the famous puzzle in 305 milliseconds

    The robot set a record by solving the Rubik's cube in 305 ms and entered the Guinness Book of Records. This is almost ten times less than the record set by man.

    The honor of creating such an effective model belongs to Japanese engineers. They equipped the robot with several motors that work together and were able to create a robot that can solve puzzles literally at lightning speed.

    However, during testing, the team ran into a minor problem: due to the cube's mechanical design, the nimble robot didn't have enough time to readjust itself in its arms. Because of this, the puzzle stuck on the first try. A small change solved the problem.

    This is not the first time robots have been tasked with solving the Rubik's Cube. For example, fifteen years ago they did it in 67 seconds, and in 2016 it was less than a second.