The National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan and its regional branches have been established

    Sports 20 May 2021 2293

    The President's resolution "On additional measures for the development of the Paralympic movement" was adopted.

    The Resolution established the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan, on the basis of the National Paralympic Association of Uzbekistan, and its regional branches.

    According to the decree, the following will be created:

    • by the end of 2021 - Paralympic sports clubs under the Paralympic Committee;
    • Paralympic Faculty of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports for the training of trainers and instructors-methodologists in Paralympic sports, specialists working with the blind, deaf and hard of hearing, amputees (deaf, typhlossurdo and international sign language interpreters), as well as other personnel;

    Institute for the training of specialists in Paralympic sports with the status of a legal entity under the Paralympic Committee.

    Starting from the 2021/2022 academic year at the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports and its Nukus and Fergana branches, as well as other relevant higher educational institutions, a department of "Paralympia" will be opened, as well as the specialty of the magistracy "Adaptive health improvement, physical education and sports"

    From January 1, 2022:

    • on the basis of the recommendation of the Paralympic Committee, additional quotas of up to 5 percent are allocated for athletes with and disabilities who are sent to the Para sports departments of the colleges of the Olympic reserve;
    • when calculating the official salary of coaches in Paralympic sports in state sports educational institutions, the basic tariff rates are applied at one and a half times the rate.

    Under the Paralympic Committee, Paralympic sports centers will be created on the basis of children's and youth sports schools located in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand and Fergana regions and the city of Tashkent.