CEC: 56 foreign polling stations will be opened for voting in the presidential elections of Uzbekistan

    Elections 25 May 2023 2063

    A regular meeting of the Central Election Commission was held on May 24. In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, issues related to the establishment of polling stations at diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries and the formation of expert groups to verify the correctness of the signature lists submitted by political parties were considered.

    In accordance with the Electoral Code and the Regulation on the organization of polling stations at diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign Countries, approved by the CEC Resolution No. 966 of October 22, 2019, as well as on the basis of the submission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, polling stations at diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries are being created.

    Based on these requirements, at a meeting of the Central Election Commission, a resolution was adopted on the establishment of 56 polling stations at diplomatic and other representations of our country in foreign countries, as well as on attaching them to the 14th Tashkent city electoral district.

    The meeting also adopted a resolution on the formation of expert groups to verify the correctness of the signature lists submitted by political parties.

    In total, the expert groups included 36 criminologists, handwriting experts, as well as representatives of higher educational institutions, non-governmental non-profit organizations, gatherings of citizens of mahallas. Authorized representatives of political parties also take part in the verification of subscription lists.

    The correctness of the signature lists submitted by political parties is checked by the Central Election Commission within four days.

    The press service of the Central Election Commission.