USAID and the Ministry of Innovative Development will jointly finance start-ups in agribusiness

    Agriculture 13 April 2022 1476

    In early April 2022, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan, announced the start of accepting conceptual applications from entrepreneurs and private enterprises of Uzbekistan for joint financing of innovative products and services in the fields of agribusiness and agrotourism.

    GPS technologies, satellite and drone imagery, mobile applications and harvest automation are just some of the latest innovations being introduced into the global agricultural sector. Innovations allow agribusiness to develop and increase productivity and profitability, increase the added value of products and ensure environmental sustainability, according to EastFruit experts.

    In order to stimulate the introduction of innovative solutions in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan, the USAID Agribusiness Development Project and the Ministry of Innovative Development intend to jointly finance start-ups in the field of agribusiness and agrotourism, as well as existing enterprises in rural areas in order to increase regional and international trade, empower women and youth, and support applied research. The finalists of the competition will receive new technologies worth up to 800 million soums from the Ministry of Innovative Development and the USAID Agribusiness Development Project for the introduction of new value-added products and services.

    This initiative is being implemented within the framework of a five-year USAID Agribusiness Development Project implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, which supports the growth of the private sector in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan by introducing new value-added technologies and management methods along the entire value chain for targeted agricultural products. These efforts are focused on increasing the production of value-added products in Uzbekistan, attracting women and youth, linking educational institutions to the needs of the private sector and promoting policies favorable to agriculture.

    The deadline for submitting applications is May 1, 2022.