Uzbekistan and Germany have agreed on financing agriculture

    Agriculture 4 May 2023 1343

    During the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Federal Republic of Germany, mutually beneficial agreements in the field of agriculture were signed between the two countries.

    In particular, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the German company "Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für Internationale Cooperation e.V." signed a memorandum of understanding. The document defines the main areas of cooperation:

    support for agricultural insurance;

    expansion of the use of existing revolving credit funds in certain banks of Uzbekistan;

    the use of business simulators in teaching young farmers’ entrepreneurship.

    The memorandum also reflects the issues of introducing modern approaches in the field of finance into the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan, for example, "risk radar" and "green financial compass".

    The cooperation agreement signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the JD East program covers issues of agricultural education, internships and organization of seminars.

    According to the document, JD East will annually organize agricultural internships and seminars for students and graduates from Uzbekistan, as well as young farmers lasting from 2 weeks to 12 months. At the same time, JD East undertakes all the formalities and preparation of documents necessary for living and studying in Germany. The direction of the internship/training is determined by the curriculum of students and the direction of activity of young farmers.

    Meetings and negotiations within the framework of the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Germany are continuing.