Uzbekistan and Indonesia develop cooperation in the field of higher education

    Education 21 July 2023 2281

    On July 20, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrohim Abdurakhmonov received a delegation headed by the Rector of Gunadarma University (Indonesia), Ms. Eco Sri Margianti, who is currently on a visit to our country.

    During the meeting, issues of developing cooperation in the field of higher education between Uzbekistan and Indonesia were discussed. During the dialogue, the opening of joint educational programs, faculties in the field of artificial intelligence and information technology, created as a result of cooperation between Gunadarma University and Bukhara State University, was noted as a vivid example of the development of real relations.

    An agreement was also reached on the exchange of experience on accreditation of universities, increasing their positions in international rankings.

    As it was noted at the meeting, today there are 250 public and 4,600 private higher education institutions in Indonesia, where about 10 million students study. It is noted that the experience of working with these private higher educational institutions is of great importance in establishing the activities of educational organizations in Uzbekistan.