Uzbekistan intends to improve the conditions of mutual cargo transportation with Russia

    Transport 5 December 2022 1335

    Uzbekistan intends to improve the conditions of mutual container cargo transportation with Russia, as well as use the Russian experience of digital solutions in transport.

    The Ministries of Transport of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation signed a plan of practical measures for cooperation for 2022-2023. The document was signed within the framework of the third meeting of the joint commission at the level of the heads of government of the two countries in Samarkand on December 2, PRIME writes.

    "The parties have come to an agreement on creating favorable conditions for container/refrigerated cargo transportation between Uzbekistan and Russia," the Ministry of Transport said in a statement on its website.

    The document also provides for the study and implementation of Russian experience in the digital intelligent transport system of Uzbekistan and cooperation in the field of transport education, the agency notes.

    The parties also expressed their readiness to conduct a bilateral exchange of information on changes taking place in the legislation of the states in the field of transport security.

    Earlier, Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdullah Aripov said at a meeting of the joint commission that the volume of cargo transportation between the republic and the Russian Federation in 2022 increased by 21%, the share of transit traffic increased by 25%. The Prime Minister also expressed interest in expanding bilateral cooperation in the field of transport and transit.