It is planned to build a power plant in Akhangaran for $ 2 billion

    Investments 22 April 2024 1614

    Chinese investors are considering a project to build a solar power plant in Akhangaran with a budget of $ 2 billion. This is reported by the press service of the khokimiyat of the Tashkent region.

    Uzbek representatives agreed on the construction of power plants during their visit to China. The Chinese side also plans to invest $ 20 million in the construction of a health resort in the Zangiata district.

    In addition, Chinese investors intend to invest in the creation of a small industrial zone and the reconstruction of residential buildings in Yangiyul.

    Chinese investors have also expressed interest in investing in Yangiyul. Plans to launch a small industrial zone, renovate old houses, develop residential areas and create a garden were discussed in this area.

    It is planned to implement investment projects in the Tashkent region totaling $ 90 million, focused on the production of pharmaceutical products, metal structures, artificial fibers and yarns.