The first pilgrims who performed Hajj returned to Tashkent

    Social medium 15 July 2022 1599

    The Uzbekistan Airways plane, which arrived from Jeddah with the first 245 pilgrims on board, landed on July 14 at 21:50 local time at Tashkent International Airport.

    The pilgrims were met in an organized manner in the arrival area of the capital's airport on special buses that took them to the Novza Mosque.

    The Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan also recommended that the relatives of the pilgrims not come to the airport in order to avoid collapse in the terminal and on the forecourt, but to meet relatives at the mosque.

    A total of 45 flights from Jeddah to Tashkent, Namangan, Karshi, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench and Nukus are scheduled from July 14 to 31.