Public hearings on the rights of persons with disabilities were held in Tashkent

    In focus 21 July 2022 1423

    The Constitutional Commission, the National Center for Human Rights of Uzbekistan, the NGO "Center for Sustainable Development" and the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the country, with the assistance of the office of the Coordinator of Projects of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, organized international public hearings in the capital yesterday on the topic "Reflection of provisions on the rights of persons with disabilities in the Constitutions of the countries of the world".

    The purpose of the event is to study national and international experience in the field of protection and ensuring the rights of vulnerable segments of the population, reflection in the Constitutions of the countries of the world of international standards and principles guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as to develop proposals for further improvement of the draft Constitutional Law on amendments and additions to the Constitution of Uzbekistan.

    The hearings were attended by deputies and senators of the Oliy Majlis, representatives of local representative authorities, relevant state bodies, the academic community, research and analytical centers, civil society institutions of the country, as well as international organizations and the diplomatic corps in Tashkent.

    The participants noted that one of the priorities of state policy in the New Uzbekistan is the implementation of the principle "In the name of human honor and dignity", support for needy segments of the population, including persons with disabilities, protection and realization of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, cardinal improvement of the state of affairs in the field of non-discrimination on the basis of disability, early detection and prevention, provision of medical and social assistance to persons with disabilities, their vocational training and employment.

    It was also said at the meeting that special attention is paid in the republic to the implementation of generally recognized international norms and standards in this area into national legislation. Over the past five years, at the initiative of the head of State, the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been ratified, and Uzbekistan has also joined the Incheon Strategy to Ensure the Real Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region, adopted two new laws "On the rights of persons with disabilities" and "On social services for the elderly, disabled and others socially vulnerable categories of the population", reports the news agency "Dunyo".

    In conclusion, the participants of the hearing expressed confidence that the political, social, economic and legal conditions created in the New Uzbekistan will allow realizing the constitutional rights of citizens, including all categories of persons with disabilities, including women with disabilities and children with disabilities.