A joint training and practical seminar of press secretaries of ministries and departments of the CIS countries is being held in Tashkent

    A joint training seminar is being held in the capital for the press secretaries of ministries and departments of the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTG) on the topic "Information Services-2024: domestic and foreign experience".

    According to the Information and Mass Communications Agency, the director of the agency, Asadjon Khojaev, who opened the training seminar, noted that the development of relations with Turkic countries in various directions, including in the field of information, is one of the important aspects of the foreign policy of the New Uzbekistan, reports the news agency "Dunyo".

    The event was attended by OTG expert Almagul Serikbayeva, Chairman of the Audiovisual Council of Azerbaijan Ismat Sattarov, Head of the Public Relations Coordination Department of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan Aksholpan Marat, Turkish Ambassador to Uzbekistan Olgan Bekar. They expressed their opinion on the importance of the joint workshop.

    The training seminar continues with presentations of the activities of the information services of the participating countries FROM

    The events within the framework of the training seminar will last until May 30.