A forum of rectors of universities of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will be held in Tashkent

    Education 19 March 2024 2085

    On March 18, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kongratbai Sharipov received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan Abdujabbar Rahmonzade.

    During the meeting, the positive dynamics of relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the field of higher education, science and innovation over the past six years was noted.

    Cooperation includes the exchange of teachers and students, scientific conferences, participation in the work of dissertation councils, the organization of mutual learning processes, professional development of professors and teachers, the introduction of digital technologies in education, the publication of articles by scientists in scientific journals of the two countries.

    The parties noted the need to expand cooperation in the field of education through the exchange of experience in order to organize the educational process, introduce new technologies into education, improve the skills of teachers, conduct lectures, conduct master classes.

    The Minister and the Ambassador discussed the forum of rectors of universities of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan planned in Tashkent in April this year, as well as organizational issues of holding an educational exhibition of universities of Uzbekistan in Tajikistan.