A visiting summer school of the Russian language has opened in Uzbekistan

    Education 5 June 2024 1011

    A visiting summer school of the Russian language has opened in Uzbekistan, it is conducted by the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    As the RUDN administration informed TASS, the visiting school is open to students of junior and secondary schools, students of universities located in the republic, as well as teachers and teachers of the Russian language who conduct professional activities in Uzbekistan.

    Russian language teachers will immerse themselves for ten days in a learning environment aimed at improving and deepening knowledge of the teaching methods of the Russian language and literature. In addition, an intensive Russian language course for students and schoolchildren will be a separate track of the summer school," the message says.

    Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RUDN) will teach classes at the summer school, who are proficient in modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

    The summer school programs include lectures on the current state of the language situation, master classes on the use of digital technologies in education, communication workshops for students, as well as interactive forms of education for elementary and middle school students.

    It is also reported that the sites for the visiting summer school of the Russian language were provided by the Bukhara Innovation University, the Odnoklassniki school in Bukhara and the Tashkent State Medical Academy.