Penalties for assaults on medical workers are being strengthened in Uzbekistan

    Healthcare 1 November 2022 986

    On October 31, 2022, a regular meeting of the faction of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

    During the meeting, the deputies considered in the first reading the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the establishment of liability for obstructing the activities of a medical worker."

    It is noted that today there are cases of encroachment on medical workers, in the performance of their official duties, obstruction of their activities to provide medical care.

    In order to prevent these conflict situations, protect the interests of medical workers, obstruct the legitimate medical activity of a medical worker or, for this purpose, illegal influence in any form on a medical worker, it is envisaged to impose a fine on citizens in the amount of five to seven basic calculated values, and officials will be fined in the amount of seven to ten basic calculated values. or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

    During the discussions, the members of the faction noted that the bill is aimed at protecting the rights of medical workers, gave their suggestions and recommendations for its further improvement. The document was adopted by the deputies.

    The meeting also discussed and adopted the draft law "On amendments to the Budget Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of the system of state financial control and the procedure for the use of medical equipment received as part of gratuitous assistance."

    The members of the faction considered in detail the issues included in the agenda, and a corresponding decision was made.