The delegation of Uzbekistan participates in the UN Summit on the Transformation of Education

    Education 19 September 2022 1537

    The delegation of Uzbekistan participates in the UN Summit on the Transformation of Education, which takes place in New York from September 16 to 19. A delegation led by the Minister of Preschool Education Agrippina Shin is taking part in this prestigious event on behalf of our country.

    It is also attended by the head of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education Ulugbek Tashkent, First Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education Karimov Komiljon, Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan to UNESCO Umid Shodiev and others.

    The summit, convened by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is aimed at discussing ways to improve education around the world, as well as overcoming the obstacles caused by the pandemic.

    Representatives of Uzbekistan are taking part in a series of sessions of the Summit on the Transformation of Education, as well as in its final plenary session on the topic of digital transformation of education.

    In particular, in the session that took place on September 17 on the topic "Transformation of education through universal communication": schools as hubs for expanding communication in hard-to-reach areas," the head of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education, Ulugbek Tashenbayev, spoke about the main areas of work to improve education in hard-to-reach areas.

    The forum is also attended by UN member States, UN agencies, international organizations and agencies, scientists and specialists in the field, civil societies, various foundations, trade unions, as well as representatives of the private sector.