In Uzbekistan, the admission of children to the 1st grade is carried out within the neighborhood and beyond

    Education 4 July 2024 1829

    The legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the provision of state services for the admission of children to the 1st grade within the microdistrict and beyond.

    Within the neighborhood:

    Every year from June 20 to July 31, the child's parents or their legal representatives fill out a questionnaire for admission to secondary schools through the Unified portal of interactive public services ( or a portal .

    The questionnaire is automatically sent to the regional department of public education, reviewed within 3 working days and sent to the school of the microdistrict.

    The applicant, together with the child, applies to the school to which his application was sent for the microdistrict, based on an online queue.

    The applicant can automatically receive information about whether his child has been accepted to school or not through the Unified portal of interactive public services ( or a portal

    Outside the neighborhood:

    After the applicant (the parent of the child or his legal representative) chooses schools with free places outside the neighborhood at his discretion from August 1 to August 15 each year, his questionnaire is automatically sent to these schools located outside the neighborhood and put in an online queue.

    The applicant and his child apply to a school located outside the neighborhood, according to the online queue at the set time.

    A school located outside the microdistrict sends information to the applicant on the same day about the enrollment or refusal to enroll the child in school through the Unified portal of interactive public services ( or a portal

    Additional admission of children belonging to another microdistrict to secondary schools with an excess of the total capacity in terms of the number of students is not allowed, the Ministry of Justice reports.